Get Biller List

Header Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionMandatory (M) , Optional (O)Provided by INSTANTPAY (Y/N)
X-Ipay-Auth-CodeStringAuth Code - 1 (Fixed)MY
X-Ipay-Client-IdStringUnique Client IDMY
X-Ipay-Client-SecretStringUnique secret keyMY
X-Ipay-Outlet-IdStringMerchant unique IDMY
X-Ipay-Endpoint-IpStringEnd Customer IP AddressMN

Request Parameters

NameTypeMandatory (M) , Optional (O)Description
pagination.pageNumberStringOCurrent Page Number
pagination.recordsPerPageStringONumber of Details per Page
filters.updatedAfterDateStringOUpdation of Biller Date

Sample Request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Ipay-Auth-Code: {{authCode}}' \
--header 'X-Ipay-Client-Id: {{clientId}}' \
--header 'X-Ipay-Client-Secret: {{clientSecret}}' \
--header 'X-Ipay-Endpoint-Ip: {{endPointIP}}' \
--header 'X-Ipay-Outlet-Id: {{outletID}}' \
--data-raw '{
    "pagination" : {
        "pageNumber" : 1,
        "recordsPerPage" : 10
        "categoryKey" : "",
        "updatedAfterDate" : ""
POST /marketplace/utilityPayments/billers HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
X-Ipay-Auth-Code: 1
X-Ipay-Client-Id: YWY3OTAzYzNlM2ExZTJlOfh549Gzt+5IEcETrD5Yx+Q=
X-Ipay-Client-Secret: 8f1e060b08e376348b39b6da2472b4b8921b1e2a302b5a0123c91007b11bb084
X-Ipay-Outlet-Id: 72762
Content-Length: 169

    "pagination" : {
        "pageNumber" : 1,
        "recordsPerPage" : 10
        "categoryKey" : "",
        "updatedAfterDate" : ""

Response Parameters

statuscodeStringInstantPay Status Code
actcodeStringAction Code
statusStringStatus Message
dataArrayResponse Data (If Present)
timestampStringCurrent time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS)
ipay_uuidStringRequest reference number
orderidStringTransaction Id ( If transaction otherwise it is null )

Sample Response

    "statuscode": "TXN",
    "actcode": null,
    "status": "Billers List fetched successfully",
    "data": {
        "meta": {
            "totalPages": 3857,
            "currentPage": 1,
            "totalRecords": 38562,
            "recordsOnCurrentPage": 10,
            "recordFrom": 1,
            "recordTo": 10
        "records": [
                "billerId": "STV",
                "billerName": "Sun Direct",
                "categoryKey": "C03",
                "type": "OFFUS",
                "categoryName": "DTH",
                "coverageCity": "-",
                "coverageState": "-",
                "coveragePincode": 0,
                "updatedDate": "2020-04-17",
                "billerStatus": "ACTIVE",
                "isAvailable": true
                "billerId": "BVP",
                "billerName": "BSNL (OLD)",
                "categoryKey": "CP0",
                "type": "OFFUS",
                "categoryName": "Mobile (Prepaid)",
                "coverageCity": "-",
                "coverageState": "-",
                "coveragePincode": 0,
                "updatedDate": "2020-04-17",
                "billerStatus": "ACTIVE",
                "isAvailable": false
                "billerId": "BESTON000MUM01",
                "billerName": "B.E.S.T. MUMBAI (ON-US)",
                "categoryKey": "C04",
                "type": "ONUS",
                "categoryName": "Electricity",
                "coverageCity": "-",
                "coverageState": "-",
                "coveragePincode": 0,
                "updatedDate": "2022-09-12",
                "billerStatus": "ACTIVE",
                "isAvailable": true
                "billerId": "VTV",
                "billerName": "d2h",
                "categoryKey": "C03",
                "type": "OFFUS",
                "categoryName": "DTH",
                "coverageCity": "-",
                "coverageState": "-",
                "coveragePincode": 0,
                "updatedDate": "2020-04-17",
                "billerStatus": "ACTIVE",
                "isAvailable": true
                "billerId": "ATP",
                "billerName": "Airtel",
                "categoryKey": "C00",
                "type": "OFFUS",
                "categoryName": "Mobile (Prepaid)",
                "coverageCity": "-",
                "coverageState": "-",
                "coveragePincode": 0,
                "updatedDate": "2020-04-17",
                "billerStatus": "ACTIVE",
                "isAvailable": true
                "billerId": "MPEZ00000MAP01",
                "billerName": "M.P. Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran - URBAN",
                "categoryKey": "C04",
                "type": "ONUS",
                "categoryName": "Electricity",
                "coverageCity": "-",
                "coverageState": "MADHYA PRADESH",
                "coveragePincode": 0,
                "updatedDate": "2020-04-11",
                "billerStatus": "ACTIVE",
                "isAvailable": true
                "billerId": "MMP",
                "billerName": "MTNL",
                "categoryKey": "C00",
                "type": "OFFUS",
                "categoryName": "Mobile (Prepaid)",
                "coverageCity": "-",
                "coverageState": "-",
                "coveragePincode": 0,
                "updatedDate": "2020-04-17",
                "billerStatus": "ACTIVE",
                "isAvailable": true
                "billerId": "MSP",
                "billerName": "MTNL (OLD)",
                "categoryKey": "CP0",
                "type": "OFFUS",
                "categoryName": "Mobile (Prepaid)",
                "coverageCity": "-",
                "coverageState": "-",
                "coveragePincode": 0,
                "updatedDate": "2020-04-17",
                "billerStatus": "ACTIVE",
                "isAvailable": false
                "billerId": "TTV",
                "billerName": "Tata Play",
                "categoryKey": "C03",
                "type": "OFFUS",
                "categoryName": "DTH",
                "coverageCity": "-",
                "coverageState": "-",
                "coveragePincode": 0,
                "updatedDate": "2020-04-17",
                "billerStatus": "ACTIVE",
                "isAvailable": true
                "billerId": "BGP",
                "billerName": "BSNL",
                "categoryKey": "C00",
                "type": "OFFUS",
                "categoryName": "Mobile (Prepaid)",
                "coverageCity": "-",
                "coverageState": "-",
                "coveragePincode": 0,
                "updatedDate": "2020-04-17",
                "billerStatus": "ACTIVE",
                "isAvailable": true
    "timestamp": "2022-09-14 16:21:10",
    "ipay_uuid": "h06897434a69-*****************-7dc9b657e597",
    "orderid": null,
    "environment": "LIVE",
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!