Activate Card

The API will be used to activate a Physical or Virtual Gift Card in our system.


Header Parameters

For Header references Click here

Request Parameters

NameTypeMandatory (M), Optional (O)Description
typeStringMPhysical/ Virtual
nameStringMCustomer Name
mobileStringMCustomer Mobile Number
emailStringMCustomer Email Address
kitNumberStringO (Mandatory If customers.type is Physical)Kit Number mentioned in the Physical card
shortCardNumberStringO (Mandatory If customers.type is Physical)Last 4 digits of the Card Number.
latitudeStringMCurrent Location Latitude
longitudeStringMCurrent Location Longitude
externalRefStringMUnique Reference Number
iPinStringMIntantpay Pin Number

Sample Request

curl --location --request PATCH '' \
--header 'X-Ipay-Auth-Code: {{authCode}}' \
--header 'X-Ipay-Client-Id: {{clientId}}' \
--header 'X-Ipay-Client-Secret: {{clientSecret}}' \
--header 'X-Ipay-Endpoint-Ip: {{endPointIP}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "type": "Virtual",
    "name": "Sample Name",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "mobile": "74285 85742",
    "amount": "500",
    "kitNumber": "3119875001",
    "shortCardNumber": "0018",
    "latitude": "21.51",
    "longitude": "71.64",
    "externalRef": "abcd1234",
    "iPin": "0126"
PATCH /cards/gift HTTP/1.1
X-Ipay-Auth-Code: {{authCode}}
X-Ipay-Client-Id: {{clientId}}
X-Ipay-Client-Secret: {{clientSecret}}
X-Ipay-Endpoint-Ip: {{endPointIP}}
Content-Type: application/json

    "type": "Virtual",
    "name": "Sample Name",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "mobile": "74285 85742",
    "amount": "500",
    "kitNumber": "3119875001",
    "shortCardNumber": "0018",
    "latitude": "21.51",
    "longitude": "71.64",
    "externalRef": "abcd1234",
    "iPin": "0126"

Response Parameters

statuscodeStringInstantPay Status Code
actcodeStringAction Code
statusStringStatus Message
dataArrayResponse Data (If Present)
timestampStringCurrent Time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS)
ipay_uuidStringRequest Reference Number
orderidStringTransaction Id ( If transaction otherwise it is null )

Sample Response

    "statuscode": "TXN",
    "actcode": null,
    "status": "Physical GiftCard successfully issued to customer",
    "data": {
        "kitNumber": "3119875001",
        "shortCardNumber": "5223",
        "bin": "811099",
        "expiryDate": "2024-02-29",
        "network": "RuPay"
    "timestamp": "2022-04-11 12:01:07",
    "ipay_uuid": "h06896091bde-c986-442e-aee6-bb7aceb9f179",
    "orderid": "12**************WX",
    "environment": "LIVE"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!