Capturing the source Accunt in CCBP

As per guidelines received from the Credit Card Network, all the merchants must include Source account details i.e senderDetails and Name in the Credit Card Bill Payment Request and these will be mandatory fields for Credit Card Bill Payment Transactions.

Change in NMT API

In Remittance(Nepal) now the partner need to onboard the outlet using the APIs instead of sending the physical form to Instantpay.

LEI Verification Added in Identity Verification

We have added a new API in Identity verification i.e LEI Verification.

PEP & Sanctions Search API Added

In Identity Verification suite we have added a new API i.e PEP & Sanctions Search.

Changes in PAN Verification API

There will be changes in the request and response status for the PAN Verification API.

API added in AI & ML category

In the AI & ML category we have added 4 APIs such as Face Comparison, Facial Detection & Analysis, Text in Image (OCR) and Image Moderation.

Payout Link API Added

Payout link API has been added where you can Create a payout link to send money even when you don't have the full banking details of the counterparty.
After you have created the link, send it to the recipient so that they can claim the payment.

Changes in Initiate User KYC (Expense Card API)

There are seven parameters added to the Initiate user kyc API of expense card that must be given when performing the users' minimum kyc.

Changes in Response in Bank List API

In the Payout Bank List API, we have added the bank visa/mastercard status in the response.

Aadhaar Parameter Added

Now the user have to pass aadhaar number in the aadhaar parameters to Initiate User KYC request in Expense Card API