Instantpay's APIs detect and analyse faces in images and videos. They are very advanced. These non-storage operations let businesses pinpoint facial landmarks, assess emotions, and analyse traits with precision.
Our APIs can pinpoint key facial landmarks, like eye positions. They can also analyse emotions, such as happiness and sadness. Additionally, they can recognise attributes like the presence of glasses or facial occlusions. Each attribute has a confidence score. It details facial traits.
The Face Detection & Analysis APIs are ideal for user engagement, demographic insights, and security. They help businesses better understand individual users. Integrating these tools lets you use advanced facial analysis. It will help you create more personalised, data-driven interactions.
Header Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (M) , Optional (O) | Provided by INSTANTPAY (Y/N) |
X-Ipay-Auth-Code | String | Auth Code -1 (Fixed) | M | Y |
X-Ipay-Client-Id | String | Unique Client ID | M | Y |
X-Ipay-Client-Secret | String | Unique secret key | M | Y |
X-Ipay-Endpoint-Ip | String | End Customer IP Address | M | N |
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Mandatory (M) , Optional (O) | Description |
image | multipart/form-data | M | Upload single image. It must be .jpeg or .png and no larger than 5mb. |
latitude | String | M | Current location latitude |
longitude | String | M | Current location longitude |
externalRef | String | M | Your Unique Transaction Id |
Sample Request
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-Ipay-Auth-Code: {{authCode}}' \
--header 'X-Ipay-Client-Id: {{clientId}}' \
--header 'X-Ipay-Client-Secret: {{clientSecret}}' \
--header 'X-Ipay-Endpoint-Ip: {{endPointIP}}' \
--form 'image=@"/Users/User_name/Downloads/download (2).jpeg"' \
--form 'latitude="0"' \
--form 'longitude="0"' \
--form 'externalRef="1709630255"'
POST /identity/faceAnalysis HTTP/1.1
X-Ipay-Auth-Code: {{authCode}}
X-Ipay-Client-Id: {{clientId}}
X-Ipay-Client-Secret: {{clientSecret}}
X-Ipay-Endpoint-Ip: {{endPointIP}}
Content-Length: 476
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image"; filename="download (2).jpeg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="latitude"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="longitude"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="externalRef"
Response Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
statuscode | String | InstantPay Status Code |
actcode | String | Action Code |
status | String | Status message |
data | Array | Response Data (If Present) |
timestamp | String | Current time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS) |
ipay_uuid | String | Request reference number |
orderid | String | Transaction Id ( If transaction otherwise it is null ) |
environment | String | Live/Sandbox |
Note :
- externalRef must be unique and in alpha numeric characters.
- Click here for guidelines for entering data in latitude/ longitude parameter.
Sample Response
"statuscode": "TXN",
"actcode": null,
"status": "Sucesses",
"data": {
"faceAnalysisData": {
"faceDetails": [
"BoundingBox": {
"Width": 0.47787919640541077,
"Height": 0.36140406131744385,
"Left": 0.354006826877594,
"Top": 0.32657408714294434
"AgeRange": {
"Low": 23,
"High": 31
"Smile": {
"Value": false,
"Confidence": 99.93019104003906
"Eyeglasses": {
"Value": true,
"Confidence": 99.99998474121094
"Sunglasses": {
"Value": true,
"Confidence": 85.56258392333984
"Gender": {
"Value": "Male",
"Confidence": 99.99976348876953
"Beard": {
"Value": true,
"Confidence": 99.74595642089844
"Mustache": {
"Value": true,
"Confidence": 89.1291732788086
"EyesOpen": {
"Value": true,
"Confidence": 98.76644134521484
"MouthOpen": {
"Value": false,
"Confidence": 92.4822769165039
"Emotions": [
"Type": "CALM",
"Confidence": 76.41015625
"Type": "SURPRISED",
"Confidence": 24.88024139404297
"Type": "CONFUSED",
"Confidence": 0.13856887817382812
"Type": "HAPPY",
"Confidence": 0.017245609313249588
"Type": "FEAR",
"Confidence": 0.01043081283569336
"Type": "DISGUSTED",
"Confidence": 0.0056743621826171875
"Type": "SAD",
"Confidence": 0.0005960464477539062
"Type": "ANGRY",
"Confidence": 0.0003039836883544922
"Landmarks": [
"Type": "eyeLeft",
"X": 0.5139376521110535,
"Y": 0.4526228904724121
"Type": "eyeRight",
"X": 0.710635781288147,
"Y": 0.47408267855644226
"Type": "mouthLeft",
"X": 0.49215957522392273,
"Y": 0.5892491936683655
"Type": "mouthRight",
"X": 0.6558822393417358,
"Y": 0.606961190700531
"Type": "nose",
"X": 0.6081581115722656,
"Y": 0.5351571440696716
"Type": "leftEyeBrowLeft",
"X": 0.4419383406639099,
"Y": 0.4145109951496124
"Type": "leftEyeBrowRight",
"X": 0.571074366569519,
"Y": 0.41815200448036194
"Type": "leftEyeBrowUp",
"X": 0.5124735236167908,
"Y": 0.40497758984565735
"Type": "rightEyeBrowLeft",
"X": 0.6847994923591614,
"Y": 0.4304831027984619
"Type": "rightEyeBrowRight",
"X": 0.7860072255134583,
"Y": 0.4516712427139282
"Type": "rightEyeBrowUp",
"X": 0.7414773106575012,
"Y": 0.42975348234176636
"Type": "leftEyeLeft",
"X": 0.47616133093833923,
"Y": 0.4483692944049835
"Type": "leftEyeRight",
"X": 0.5519837141036987,
"Y": 0.4582386910915375
"Type": "leftEyeUp",
"X": 0.5156591534614563,
"Y": 0.4459407925605774
"Type": "leftEyeDown",
"X": 0.5126113891601562,
"Y": 0.4587348401546478
"Type": "rightEyeLeft",
"X": 0.6709408760070801,
"Y": 0.4712192416191101
"Type": "rightEyeRight",
"X": 0.7436281442642212,
"Y": 0.47733715176582336
"Type": "rightEyeUp",
"X": 0.7136553525924683,
"Y": 0.4674704372882843
"Type": "rightEyeDown",
"X": 0.7079180479049683,
"Y": 0.4799041748046875
"Type": "noseLeft",
"X": 0.5553070306777954,
"Y": 0.5452377796173096
"Type": "noseRight",
"X": 0.6291264891624451,
"Y": 0.5530794262886047
"Type": "mouthUp",
"X": 0.5846152901649475,
"Y": 0.5807806253433228
"Type": "mouthDown",
"X": 0.5704997181892395,
"Y": 0.6207622289657593
"Type": "leftPupil",
"X": 0.5139376521110535,
"Y": 0.4526228904724121
"Type": "rightPupil",
"X": 0.710635781288147,
"Y": 0.47408267855644226
"Type": "upperJawlineLeft",
"X": 0.3677027225494385,
"Y": 0.4430592954158783
"Type": "midJawlineLeft",
"X": 0.3689058721065521,
"Y": 0.5899165272712708
"Type": "chinBottom",
"X": 0.5430694222450256,
"Y": 0.6886668801307678
"Type": "midJawlineRight",
"X": 0.7226397395133972,
"Y": 0.627454936504364
"Type": "upperJawlineRight",
"X": 0.8014124631881714,
"Y": 0.48964956402778625
"Pose": {
"Roll": 10.587671279907227,
"Yaw": 6.88578462600708,
"Pitch": 4.731213569641113
"Quality": {
"Brightness": 71.47499084472656,
"Sharpness": 83.14741516113281
"Confidence": 99.99774932861328,
"FaceOccluded": {
"Value": true,
"Confidence": 99.98448944091797
"EyeDirection": {
"Yaw": 2.0819785594940186,
"Pitch": -11.89595890045166,
"Confidence": 0.0021970816887915134
"landmarks": null
"pool": {
"referenceId": "1240305124309MTGCT",
"openingBalance": "25.10",
"paymentAmount": "0.00",
"mode": "DR",
"closingBalance": "25.10"
"timestamp": "2024-03-05 12:43:09",
"ipay_uuid": "h0689b7d41e7-2d45-4ce1-89d8-08262e2e6261-9WFBnBuHmmn9",
"orderid": "1240305124309MTGCT",
"environment": "LIVE",
"internalCode": null