
The Instantpay Remittance Domestic API allows partners to offer money transfer services to their consumers by providing a set of instructions for sending funds between bank accounts. It is connected with several banks, allowing for easy transactions between accounts.

Remittance (Domestic) Flow -

  1. First you need to onboard your merchants using the Merchant Onboarding API.
  2. Then you need to check that whether the Remitter is already existing or not on Instantpay platform using the Remitter Profile API.
  3. If the Remitter is already exist, then fetch his already registered beneficiary in the Remitter Profile. If the Remitter is not registered, then register the Remitter using the Remitter Registration API.
  4. After the succssfull API call of Remitter registration you need to verify the Remitter using the Remitter Registration Verify API. Remitter will receive an OTP on the mobile number which you need to validate.
  5. After the successfull OTP Validation the Remitter now will do the Biometric/Face Auth KYC.
  6. Once the Biometric KYC is successfull now Remitter can add the Beneficiary by Validating through OTP.
  7. Once the beneficiary has been added or the already registered beneficiary has been selected then you can transfer the amount using Transaction API via either IMPS or NEFT Mode.
  8. Before transferring any amount through Transaction API the remitter needs to validate through OTP or Bio Auth using the Generate transaction OTP or Bio Auth API Call.
  9. You can check the status of any transaction using the Transaction Status API.