IP Lookup

Locate visitors by IP address, enrich forms, target mobile users, detect VPNs, prevent online fraud, analyze logs, perform geo IP redirections, and more

Header Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionMandatory (M) , Optional (O)Provided by INSTANTPAY (Y/N)
X-Ipay-Auth-CodeStringAuth Code is "1" (Fixed)MY
X-Ipay-Client-IdStringUnique Client Id Provided by InstantpayMY
X-Ipay-Client-SecretStringUnique Client Secret Provided by InstantpayMY
X-Ipay-Endpoint-IpStringEnd customer IP AddressMY

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeRequirementDescription
ipStringMandatoryIP Address
latitudeStringMandatoryEnd Customer Latitude.
longitudeStringMandatoryEnd Customer Longitude
externalRefStringMandatoryUnique Transaction id

Sample Request

curl --location 'https://api.instantpay.in/identity/ip/lookup' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Ipay-Auth-Code: {{authCode}}' \
--header 'X-Ipay-Client-Id: {{clientId}}' \
--header 'X-Ipay-Client-Secret: {{clientSecret}}' \
--header 'X-Ipay-Endpoint-Ip: {{endPointIP}}' \
--data '{
    "ip": "",
    "latitude": "27.897394",
    "longitude": "78.088013",
    "externalRef": "233"
POST /identity/ip/lookup HTTP/1.1
Host: api.instantpay.in
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
X-Ipay-Auth-Code: 1
X-Ipay-Client-Id: YWY3OTAzYzNlM2ExZTJlOfh549Gzt+5IEcETrD5Yx+Q=
X-Ipay-Client-Secret: 679db35f926b8d0240a8c0d28729528ee8e6d5effa5fa0b20c04454004d2d825
Content-Length: 118

    "ip": "",
    "latitude": "27.897394",
    "longitude": "78.088013",
    "externalRef": "233"

Response Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
statuscodeStringInstantpay Status Code
actcodeStringAction Code
statusArrayStatus message
dataStringResponse Data(if Present)
timestampStringResponse time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS)
ipay_uuidStringRequest reference number
orderidStringTransaction Id(if transaction otherwise it is null)
    "statuscode": "TXN",
    "actcode": null,
    "status": "Data Fetched Successful",
    "data": {
        "ipData": {
            "ip": "",
            "type": "IPv4",
            "hostname": null,
            "carrier": {
                "name": null,
                "mcc": null,
                "mnc": null
            "company": {
                "domain": null,
                "name": null,
                "type": "business"
            "connection": {
                "asn": null,
                "domain": null,
                "organization": null,
                "route": null,
                "type": null
            "currency": {
                "code": "USD",
                "name": "US Dollar",
                "nameNative": "US Dollar",
                "plural": "US dollars",
                "pluralNative": "US dollars",
                "symbol": "$",
                "symbolNative": "$",
                "format": {
                    "negative": {
                        "prefix": "-$",
                        "suffix": ""
                    "positive": {
                        "prefix": "$",
                        "suffix": ""
            "location": {
                "continent": {
                    "code": "NA",
                    "name": "North America"
                "country": {
                    "area": 9629091,
                    "borders": [
                    "callingCode": "1",
                    "capital": "Washington D.C.",
                    "code": "US",
                    "name": "United States",
                    "population": 333287557,
                    "populationDensity": 34.61,
                    "flag": {
                        "emoji": ":us:",
                        "emojiUnicode": "U+1F1FA U+1F1F8"
                    "languages": [
                            "code": "en",
                            "name": "English",
                            "native": "English"
                            "code": "es",
                            "name": "Spanish",
                            "native": "español"
                            "code": "fr",
                            "name": "French",
                            "native": "français"
                    "tld": ".us"
                "region": {
                    "code": "US-MO",
                    "name": "Missouri"
                "city": "Schell City",
                "postal": "64780",
                "latitude": 38.03056,
                "longitude": -94.0897,
                "language": {
                    "code": "en",
                    "name": "English",
                    "native": "English"
                "inEu": false
            "security": {
                "isAbuser": false,
                "isAttacker": true,
                "isBogon": true,
                "isCloudProvider": false,
                "isProxy": false,
                "isRelay": false,
                "isTor": false,
                "isTorExit": false,
                "isVpn": false,
                "isAnonymous": false,
                "isThreat": true
            "timeZone": {
                "id": "America/Chicago",
                "abbreviation": "CST",
                "currentTime": "2023-08-21T04:25:09-05:00",
                "name": "Central Standard Time",
                "offset": -18000,
                "inDaylightSaving": true
        "poolReferenceId": "1230821175848KCEUF",
        "pool": {
            "openingBal": "997499.76",
            "amount": "0.12",
            "closingBal": "997499.64"
    "timestamp": "2023-08-21 17:58:48",
    "ipay_uuid": "h00099f166e5-5630-48f6-8ebb-f93b89e2f71c-cKMctQaskOEt",
    "orderid": "1230821175848KCEUF",
    "environment": "SANDBOX",
    "internalCode": null
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!