Collect money from customers at your stores (Person to Merchant) with Static BHIM UPI QR implementation.
Generate QR with the data as:-
Configure a Webhook to receive payment notifications and optionally integrate the Customer Onboarding API to display the store name to the customer while initiating a payment by passing the Outlet ID in the {sub-string}.
Process of Webhooks:-
Please configure webhooks for the same from then click on Setup Webhook on Credentials.
Please create a URL at your end on which we hit a GET request with some parameters.
Parameters are:-
&ipay_id='.$cb_ipay_id.'&agent _id=your_ref_id&opr_id=value&s tatus=SUCCESS&res_code=TXN&res _msg=
You will get the final status of the transactions through the call back. Incase of pending transactions you will get the final status of that transaction when the status will change to REFUND or SUCCESS.
Enable logs on that URL
Once you click update, You will get a hit where you will find parameter ipayid
Find that value and paste it in input on instantPay portal to verify
In case of any doubt, Please mention the exact step where you are facing problem